All for Love #FictionMondays

I never believed in “Love at first sight”. Call me a cynic if you must, labels never bothered me. For me it was all about the person, and thats not something one can get to know when you see them the first time. But hey, I had to eat my own words the day Ashu… Continue reading All for Love #FictionMondays

New Beginnings #FictionMonday

Love comes when you least expect it. And in the most unlikeliest of places. A Bakery school? Who arranges a meeting of unknown people at a Bakery school? Some weirdo for sure. Being new to the city and eager to socialise , she decided to join in. As she walked up to the table, Rohit… Continue reading New Beginnings #FictionMonday

Being vulnerable #FictionMondays

With this wonderful picture prompt, the host of FictionMonday Vinitha shared a thought . She spoke about the petals of a dandelion which do not shy away from showing their vulnerability, their fragility as they free them self from the flower and wander off. To be not afraid of our own vulnerability – and being… Continue reading Being vulnerable #FictionMondays

That time is now hon #FictionMondays

Those fallen brown autumn leaves- at one point of time they invoked a romantic feeling- thanks to an overdose of SRK movies (read Mohabbetein) when we were in college. When I look at them now they make me ponder if they lived their life? They knew that their time was limited and they would wither… Continue reading That time is now hon #FictionMondays

The world is your oyster #Fiction Mondays

“Misha smile”. “A nice wide grin with your teeth showing” “Show me your dainty dress, hold it out from the sides as you pose” Click, click , click. Thousands of pictures, from the time she was born. I wanted to capture every moment, the first smile, gasp, tear, laugh, step , year. And after the… Continue reading The world is your oyster #Fiction Mondays

Timeless moments #FictionMonday

Time once gone doesn’t come back, they say. Depending on how we spent that time and in whose company determines if we are glad its in the past and wont come back ever to haunt us again OR we are left with quite a contrary feeling of yearning for those wonderful moments and wish we… Continue reading Timeless moments #FictionMonday

Invincible #FictionMondays

“Do you think you are strong Angel?” I asked my 6 year old. “Yes I am. The other day I was so tired as my dance teacher made me practise dancing again and again to get the perfect moves as she wanted to shoot a group video. Sweat was trickling down my face but I… Continue reading Invincible #FictionMondays

Keep that flame burning #FictionMondays

She could feel it again, the gnawing pain had now become a constant companion. It crept stealthily when she least expected it, made her mind its home and took over every inch of her being. That bubbly woman who loved life, who made every moment count. Was this really her? Lost in the humdrum of… Continue reading Keep that flame burning #FictionMondays

And she wrote her story #FictionMondays

She held the pen in her fingers, undecided. Should I let it out? Should I hold myself back? Should I word this as a fictional piece so that I can pour unto this paper all my thoughts unfiltered and always say “well this is a fictional story”. The guise of fiction sounded tempting. She hadn’t… Continue reading And she wrote her story #FictionMondays