Equal yet Different- a thought provoking read for career women

I am not typically a non fiction reader . In fact since the past few years my reading has dwindled quite a bit. Blogging took up the void and off late it’s been the gym, walks on weekends and time spent with Angel. I happened to read a post on Facebook by a senior woman… Continue reading Equal yet Different- a thought provoking read for career women

Of bruises and choices #Musings

Last week as I was driving back home from the gym, around 10.30 in the morning on a weekday- at a busy junction where the signal never works and that remains unmanned despite the maddening rush- my car was brushed by an auto rickshaw. Before I had time to react, the auto sped off. I… Continue reading Of bruises and choices #Musings

The path to happiness #FictionMondays

I’ll be happy when I clear my exams with good grades. I’ll be happy when I secure a job with one of these top notch companies I’ll be happy when I find love I’ll be happy when we tie the knot I’ll be happy when we buy our own home I’ll be happy when we… Continue reading The path to happiness #FictionMondays

Tell No One #FictionMondays

Are you the one who loves posting every tiny detail on social media or do you steer clear of sharing your life on Instagram, FB? If you do share quite a bit, what motivates you? Is it your business, your personal brand, your journey as a fitness enthusiast, a sportsperson, a baker, a musician, an… Continue reading Tell No One #FictionMondays

Smash ’em #FictionMondays

Unconditional love- is what comes to mind when you look at this lovey dovey picture. A virtue animals possess but for us humans it doesn’t come that easily. Is it really possible to love another being with no expectations in return except for asking that they love you back as deeply as you do? Would… Continue reading Smash ’em #FictionMondays

New Beginnings #FictionMonday

Love comes when you least expect it. And in the most unlikeliest of places. A Bakery school? Who arranges a meeting of unknown people at a Bakery school? Some weirdo for sure. Being new to the city and eager to socialise , she decided to join in. As she walked up to the table, Rohit… Continue reading New Beginnings #FictionMonday

Timeless moments #FictionMonday

Time once gone doesn’t come back, they say. Depending on how we spent that time and in whose company determines if we are glad its in the past and wont come back ever to haunt us again OR we are left with quite a contrary feeling of yearning for those wonderful moments and wish we… Continue reading Timeless moments #FictionMonday

An adventure beckons #FictionMondays

It felt like a tight slap on her face, the bruise was one that would stay for long. The enormity of what had just transpired was almost impossible to fathom. As they say, it takes but a moment for life to turn upside down. Till yesterday, the house was abuzz with excitement, a long to… Continue reading An adventure beckons #FictionMondays

Can love last a lifetime? #FictionMonday

“Yes” she whispered into the phone. The word I had been waiting to hear, my heart pounded so loudly that I thought everyone around could hear it. I wanted to dance with joy, sing, jump and do all sorts of crazy things but I had to compose myself. Shreya and I had to cross many… Continue reading Can love last a lifetime? #FictionMonday