Smash ’em #FictionMondays

Unconditional love- is what comes to mind when you look at this lovey dovey picture. A virtue animals possess but for us humans it doesn’t come that easily. Is it really possible to love another being with no expectations in return except for asking that they love you back as deeply as you do? Would… Continue reading Smash ’em #FictionMondays

Invincible #FictionMondays

“Do you think you are strong Angel?” I asked my 6 year old. “Yes I am. The other day I was so tired as my dance teacher made me practise dancing again and again to get the perfect moves as she wanted to shoot a group video. Sweat was trickling down my face but I… Continue reading Invincible #FictionMondays

What I discovered as I did my research on vaccines

Mums these days are a stark contrast to how our parents were, when we were babies. The parenting styles are so different now. For our parents, making decisions about the baby was based on hear-say and intuition.  While the latter continues to influence the parenting techniques of tech savvy moms, one massive change is the… Continue reading What I discovered as I did my research on vaccines

Karmic Connection #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

One thing that made my life wholesome was the bunch of few people whom I identified as friends and they meant the world to me. I do not have many friends, in fact I always prefer being alone and I had 2 of my besties right under my roof- Mom and Dad. Hence I seldom… Continue reading Karmic Connection #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

Jamie did that #FFFAW #FlashFiction

It was a tiring day at work, Laima made a mental note of the wrap up tasks before she could call it a day. Oh she had to pin the final checklist in the new apartment which would be occupied tomorrow. She entered the room and switched on the light. Just as she was about… Continue reading Jamie did that #FFFAW #FlashFiction