As we bid Twixmas goodbye

We have a family tradition of putting up a Christmas tree. It started from the time Angel was born. One of my mom’s close friends, a Christian lady gifted us a big and beautiful Christmas tree which had shimmering lights when you connect it to a power source. She gifted this as a baby homecoming… Continue reading As we bid Twixmas goodbye

Equal yet Different- a thought provoking read for career women

I am not typically a non fiction reader . In fact since the past few years my reading has dwindled quite a bit. Blogging took up the void and off late it’s been the gym, walks on weekends and time spent with Angel. I happened to read a post on Facebook by a senior woman… Continue reading Equal yet Different- a thought provoking read for career women

3 wonderful lessons from this endearing movie “Elemental”

Its been a long time I wrote a blog post and even longer I wrote about a movie/ series I watched. I guess its simply because nothing (or no one:)) can win me over easily. For a movie, especially an animated one to really leave a lasting impression on me, it has to have some… Continue reading 3 wonderful lessons from this endearing movie “Elemental”

Calm- Word of the Year 2023

Have you ever wondered- whats the hullabaloo about WOTY each year, so many people writing posts about it, is it just another of those trends, does it even matter after a few days have passed? I wrote my first WORY post for 2022 , it was Gratitude and one year down the line I can… Continue reading Calm- Word of the Year 2023

As you turn 8 my love #LetterstoAngel

I was in a quandary as I usually am these days when it comes to penning down my thoughts- Should I? Shouldn’t I? How much should I let me heart pour out on a topic that occupies the biggest space in my heart? I have been having inhibitions about what I post these days and… Continue reading As you turn 8 my love #LetterstoAngel

Of bruises and choices #Musings

Last week as I was driving back home from the gym, around 10.30 in the morning on a weekday- at a busy junction where the signal never works and that remains unmanned despite the maddening rush- my car was brushed by an auto rickshaw. Before I had time to react, the auto sped off. I… Continue reading Of bruises and choices #Musings

Friendships- and why this is not just about Friendship Day

We all have certain biases ingrained deep within- whether we choose to accept it or not is a different matter. I have them too and here are a few things I always thought when it came to friends: I can only bond with people who are like me- have similar tastes in books, similar hobbies,… Continue reading Friendships- and why this is not just about Friendship Day

Choices #FictionMonday

Pure platonic relationships between opposite sexes- do they exist? Can one be just friends with someone from the other gender, with absolutely no romantic feelings. Most of my girlfriends say nah! Not possible. Love and sex come in between, or at least one of the 2 chuckles Maria. I scoff in disbelief. “Look at Josh… Continue reading Choices #FictionMonday

The path to happiness #FictionMondays

I’ll be happy when I clear my exams with good grades. I’ll be happy when I secure a job with one of these top notch companies I’ll be happy when I find love I’ll be happy when we tie the knot I’ll be happy when we buy our own home I’ll be happy when we… Continue reading The path to happiness #FictionMondays

A bumpy ride it is #FictionMondays

Her eyes were fixated on the 2 pages, neatly written lines on a crisp white sheet, they looked perfect. And then came the blobs of ink, smeared. This was sure to make creases appear on most people’ s foreheads. There goes the perfect page- sigh. But she looked at it intently and started thinking of… Continue reading A bumpy ride it is #FictionMondays