As we bid Twixmas goodbye

We have a family tradition of putting up a Christmas tree. It started from the time Angel was born. One of my mom’s close friends, a Christian lady gifted us a big and beautiful Christmas tree which had shimmering lights when you connect it to a power source. She gifted this as a baby homecoming… Continue reading As we bid Twixmas goodbye

Equal yet Different- a thought provoking read for career women

I am not typically a non fiction reader . In fact since the past few years my reading has dwindled quite a bit. Blogging took up the void and off late it’s been the gym, walks on weekends and time spent with Angel. I happened to read a post on Facebook by a senior woman… Continue reading Equal yet Different- a thought provoking read for career women

3 wonderful lessons from this endearing movie “Elemental”

Its been a long time I wrote a blog post and even longer I wrote about a movie/ series I watched. I guess its simply because nothing (or no one:)) can win me over easily. For a movie, especially an animated one to really leave a lasting impression on me, it has to have some… Continue reading 3 wonderful lessons from this endearing movie “Elemental”

Living in the moment #DrumCircle

For someone who constantly thinks of several things to be ticked off a checklist, chores and dreams both hold a place here- it is difficult to completely live in the moment. Sunday evenings specially are meant to run that mental checklist once again- things to buy for Angel, office deliverables to be ticked off in… Continue reading Living in the moment #DrumCircle

Calm- Word of the Year 2023

Have you ever wondered- whats the hullabaloo about WOTY each year, so many people writing posts about it, is it just another of those trends, does it even matter after a few days have passed? I wrote my first WORY post for 2022 , it was Gratitude and one year down the line I can… Continue reading Calm- Word of the Year 2023

As you turn 8 my love #LetterstoAngel

I was in a quandary as I usually am these days when it comes to penning down my thoughts- Should I? Shouldn’t I? How much should I let me heart pour out on a topic that occupies the biggest space in my heart? I have been having inhibitions about what I post these days and… Continue reading As you turn 8 my love #LetterstoAngel

Building a fulfilling career -beyond the promo and pay rise

Most of us associate our career progression with vertical growth, moving up the rungs as it often translates to pay rises, better perks, a corner office perhaps, more recognition and being looked upon as a symbol of power. As we started off on our career journey in our early or mid 20’s dint we look… Continue reading Building a fulfilling career -beyond the promo and pay rise

Of bruises and choices #Musings

Last week as I was driving back home from the gym, around 10.30 in the morning on a weekday- at a busy junction where the signal never works and that remains unmanned despite the maddening rush- my car was brushed by an auto rickshaw. Before I had time to react, the auto sped off. I… Continue reading Of bruises and choices #Musings

Friendships- and why this is not just about Friendship Day

We all have certain biases ingrained deep within- whether we choose to accept it or not is a different matter. I have them too and here are a few things I always thought when it came to friends: I can only bond with people who are like me- have similar tastes in books, similar hobbies,… Continue reading Friendships- and why this is not just about Friendship Day

The path to happiness #FictionMondays

I’ll be happy when I clear my exams with good grades. I’ll be happy when I secure a job with one of these top notch companies I’ll be happy when I find love I’ll be happy when we tie the knot I’ll be happy when we buy our own home I’ll be happy when we… Continue reading The path to happiness #FictionMondays