As we bid Twixmas goodbye

We have a family tradition of putting up a Christmas tree. It started from the time Angel was born. One of my mom’s close friends, a Christian lady gifted us a big and beautiful Christmas tree which had shimmering lights when you connect it to a power source. She gifted this as a baby homecoming… Continue reading As we bid Twixmas goodbye

3 wonderful lessons from this endearing movie “Elemental”

Its been a long time I wrote a blog post and even longer I wrote about a movie/ series I watched. I guess its simply because nothing (or no one:)) can win me over easily. For a movie, especially an animated one to really leave a lasting impression on me, it has to have some… Continue reading 3 wonderful lessons from this endearing movie “Elemental”

Living in the moment #DrumCircle

For someone who constantly thinks of several things to be ticked off a checklist, chores and dreams both hold a place here- it is difficult to completely live in the moment. Sunday evenings specially are meant to run that mental checklist once again- things to buy for Angel, office deliverables to be ticked off in… Continue reading Living in the moment #DrumCircle

Choices #FictionMonday

Pure platonic relationships between opposite sexes- do they exist? Can one be just friends with someone from the other gender, with absolutely no romantic feelings. Most of my girlfriends say nah! Not possible. Love and sex come in between, or at least one of the 2 chuckles Maria. I scoff in disbelief. “Look at Josh… Continue reading Choices #FictionMonday

Blinded by love #FictionMondays

The smile on her face was different this time. It came straight from her heart , a smile of someone in love. Her eyes shone, her cheeks glowed and everything around her that otherwise felt mundane had taken a new form today. May it always be like that, may we madly be in love with… Continue reading Blinded by love #FictionMondays

All for Love #FictionMondays

I never believed in “Love at first sight”. Call me a cynic if you must, labels never bothered me. For me it was all about the person, and thats not something one can get to know when you see them the first time. But hey, I had to eat my own words the day Ashu… Continue reading All for Love #FictionMondays

Smash ’em #FictionMondays

Unconditional love- is what comes to mind when you look at this lovey dovey picture. A virtue animals possess but for us humans it doesn’t come that easily. Is it really possible to love another being with no expectations in return except for asking that they love you back as deeply as you do? Would… Continue reading Smash ’em #FictionMondays

Wake up Riya! #FictionMondays

The shrill sound of the alarm clock, every morning at 5.30. Oh how she hated it! 5 minutes more Baba , she pleaded every day. And that 5 would turn to 10, post which the blanket would be pulled off and she would find herself in the bathroom. “No missing a day of badminton” is… Continue reading Wake up Riya! #FictionMondays

Word of the year 2022: Gratitude

Its that time of the year again. I was toying between writing a round up post OR bringing up my WOTY for 2022. While the latter could have waited, I zeroed in on WOTY as this has been a transformational past few weeks for me personally , especially since I started practising gratitude more mindfully.… Continue reading Word of the year 2022: Gratitude

New Beginnings #FictionMonday

Love comes when you least expect it. And in the most unlikeliest of places. A Bakery school? Who arranges a meeting of unknown people at a Bakery school? Some weirdo for sure. Being new to the city and eager to socialise , she decided to join in. As she walked up to the table, Rohit… Continue reading New Beginnings #FictionMonday