Lean In- lets learn, unlearn and evolve together

My highlight this week was a session on “Leaning In” that I co led with my colleague Anagha. The session was for a small group of women from different functions, with varied experiences. Having re read “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg at a stage of my career where I can relate to her struggles, challenges… Continue reading Lean In- lets learn, unlearn and evolve together

Invincible #FictionMondays

“Do you think you are strong Angel?” I asked my 6 year old. “Yes I am. The other day I was so tired as my dance teacher made me practise dancing again and again to get the perfect moves as she wanted to shoot a group video. Sweat was trickling down my face but I… Continue reading Invincible #FictionMondays

Aspiring to reach the C-suite- here is why you should not give up comrade

The Economic Survey 2018 had some startling data on gender gap in labour force participation. The gap is more than 50 percent points which is much higher than under developed countries like Rwanda. Despite educational gains, the labor force participation rate for women in 2017 was 28.5%  (compared to 82% for men). By 2027 the working-age population in India… Continue reading Aspiring to reach the C-suite- here is why you should not give up comrade

Conquering my biggest fear-Taking on the roads #YesIDidIt

I have always taken pride in being independent- financially, emotionally, spiritually- in every possible way. I hate the idea of being clingy. When someone tells me they can’t eat a meal alone or travel alone, watch a movie or shop alone, I give a polite smile but my mind questions this artificial barrier that they… Continue reading Conquering my biggest fear-Taking on the roads #YesIDidIt

Small Great Things-here is why as a dusky woman, I could relate to this book so much.

I have always been a die hard fan of Jodi Picoult. I started off with “My Sister’s Keeper” and I knew I had found an author whose books I can truly treasure. They are not the fairytale, romantic books, but talk of death, disease, court cases, despair, grief but at the same time, there is… Continue reading Small Great Things-here is why as a dusky woman, I could relate to this book so much.

The Good Wife- Here is why this series is a must watch #MyFriendAlexa

There was a time when I loved watching TV but slowly the interest faded out. In the spare time I have, I prefer writing or reading blogs. With the birth of my daughter, “me time” became scarce and I wanted to optimise the limited time I have by making the experience worthwhile. I deliberately stayed… Continue reading The Good Wife- Here is why this series is a must watch #MyFriendAlexa

When a 5 year old made me realise all that we talk about equality is futile …

My daughter is 3.5 years old now and has quite a strong opinion on several things. Earlier she would happily bade me goodbye when I leave for work but nowadays she frowns and says “Mumma don’t go to office”. We would usually tell her that Mumma needs to go to office as we need money… Continue reading When a 5 year old made me realise all that we talk about equality is futile …

Stunned #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

This morning I woke up to a shocking news.  Rekha my neighbour had passed away from a sudden cardiac arrest. She had been busy wrapping up the kitchen work before she called it a night when she felt the pain in her chest. She collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where she was declared… Continue reading Stunned #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z