Building a fulfilling career -beyond the promo and pay rise

Most of us associate our career progression with vertical growth, moving up the rungs as it often translates to pay rises, better perks, a corner office perhaps, more recognition and being looked upon as a symbol of power. As we started off on our career journey in our early or mid 20’s dint we look… Continue reading Building a fulfilling career -beyond the promo and pay rise

Build your wealth the smart way

As a Chartered Accountant I often get these comments “Oh you are a CA, you know all about financial markets. Can you give us a few tips on which stocks to invest in?” Now to clear a few misconceptions. As a CA my main area of focus is accountancy. I did study a subject on… Continue reading Build your wealth the smart way

Flash news-Married women & Working moms are happy to travel on work #MyFriendAlexa

I am a working mom, I have a 4 year old daughter. As much as I am a doting mom and cherish every moment spent with my little girl, I am ruthless when it comes to my career. I am a very ambitious person and aspire to reach the highest echelons in my career. I… Continue reading Flash news-Married women & Working moms are happy to travel on work #MyFriendAlexa

Never would I have thought in my wildest dreams…

I read the “Confessions of a Shopaholic” by Sophie Kinsella and I had tears streaming down my eyes. For once, here was someone who knew exactly how it felt to be a shopaholic. The adrenaline rush of buying that gleamy Coach Handbag and Hermes scarf and walking down the road head lead high as the… Continue reading Never would I have thought in my wildest dreams…

What’s your salary? And there begins the long drawn battle of gender pay gap

A good friend who is a CA fresher interviewed with one of the leading companies a few years ago. Someone with excellent academic credentials, smart, savvy there was no doubt that she would slay it. Her compensation was never discussed as the company informed her that this will be known once she gets the offer… Continue reading What’s your salary? And there begins the long drawn battle of gender pay gap

Because you are a woman

As a part of the Diversity Network at my workplace, we hosted a talented and strong woman leader in our Coffee Corner session which is a candid informal conversation over coffee where people from junior levels get to meet and interact with a senior leader/leaders. The conversations range across diverse topics like career progression, networking… Continue reading Because you are a woman

Is money ruining your marriage?

A few days before I was to get married, my close friend’s mom gave me some advice which stood apart from the usual unwarranted advice I was receiving as a bride to be. She told me- “You might think that what I say is wrong and I am teaching you bad things like keeping secrets… Continue reading Is money ruining your marriage?

My imperfect kitchen which I treasure #FridayFictioneers

Sara is the perfect wife, mother, entrepreneur, daughter, activist- I count myself lucky to have found a life partner I look upto. Life was  rough, we lived hand to mouth but with our hard work and luck, we are now millionaires. We live in a mansion. One thing that puzzles me is Sara has kept… Continue reading My imperfect kitchen which I treasure #FridayFictioneers

Nirvana #FFFAW #FlashFiction

I gave it up all, the plush office, the Merc and Audi, the expensive champagne and holidays at exotic locations, the tuxedo and even my wedding ring. A day came when I realised I had it all but I was missing peace, inner contenmnt. I started off on a new journey, all alone, sans the… Continue reading Nirvana #FFFAW #FlashFiction

Stigma #WriteBravely #WriteProBlogger #ShortStory

Sophia woke up with a start- sleeping in the day was never enough to make up for a good night’s sleep. Plus she did not have the luxury of sleeping for 6-8 hours like her colleagues who worked in the call center at night and slept in the day. Sophia was a mother of  3… Continue reading Stigma #WriteBravely #WriteProBlogger #ShortStory