What’s your salary? And there begins the long drawn battle of gender pay gap

A good friend who is a CA fresher interviewed with one of the leading companies a few years ago. Someone with excellent academic credentials, smart, savvy there was no doubt that she would slay it. Her compensation was never discussed as the company informed her that this will be known once she gets the offer… Continue reading What’s your salary? And there begins the long drawn battle of gender pay gap

Luxuries of working #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

I joined one of the leading MNC’s as an Analyst. I felt a sense of pride as my new shiny black heels made a click clack sound on the spotless shiny floors. Mom had bought me a new “HideDesign” handbag as a gift. I looked around as I walked towards my desk. The corner offices… Continue reading Luxuries of working #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

Here’s why I am the Badass Woman@work

I opened the Sunday Times to devour its contents hungrily- one of the perks of the weekend is being able to read the newspaper leisurely as against a weekday when I am in a mad frenzy with the toddler tugging my dress and me trying to scan the front page, the business section and the… Continue reading Here’s why I am the Badass Woman@work