Building a fulfilling career -beyond the promo and pay rise

Most of us associate our career progression with vertical growth, moving up the rungs as it often translates to pay rises, better perks, a corner office perhaps, more recognition and being looked upon as a symbol of power. As we started off on our career journey in our early or mid 20’s dint we look… Continue reading Building a fulfilling career -beyond the promo and pay rise

Promotion and Life lessons

4 February 2020 is a day I was looking forward to since quite some time. I had hoped this would have been 2019 as I had earnestly worked towards my goal and expected I will get promoted in 2019 but things did not work out in my favour. It seemed almost impossible to wait another… Continue reading Promotion and Life lessons

Here’s why I am the Badass Woman@work

I opened the Sunday Times to devour its contents hungrily- one of the perks of the weekend is being able to read the newspaper leisurely as against a weekday when I am in a mad frenzy with the toddler tugging my dress and me trying to scan the front page, the business section and the… Continue reading Here’s why I am the Badass Woman@work