Work from home- Yea or Nay #CoronaDays

In early March when we had almost no clue of the drama that would unfold in the next month, I was glancing through the newspapers which carried articles of work from home. Many IT companies had started split operations and there were pictures of a woman chopping veggies as she sat beside her laptop and… Continue reading Work from home- Yea or Nay #CoronaDays

Leap of faith #TellTaleThursday

I stood at the station waving her goodbye till I could see her silhouette disappear as the train moved farther on. At this odd hour, the station was empty. I looked at my watch, 5 days to go before I see her again, touch her, share a meal , hold hands, take her in my… Continue reading Leap of faith #TellTaleThursday

7 year itch #BarAThon

Asmi ‘s fingers trembled as she deliberated if she should click the button on not. Her best friend Payal’s voice rung in her head ” Just do it yaar! Its not a sin. Everyone deserves some fun in life. Its ok to be selfish for a change, think of yourself instead of hiding behind that… Continue reading 7 year itch #BarAThon