My secret wish #FridayFictioneers

Its snowing today- they call it “Beast from the East”. As much as I hate the cold wind hitting my face and my toes that get numb, the inner me is thrilled beyond words. Heavy snowfall means no boxing class today. I pretend to like it as I fear the wrath of my Dad and… Continue reading My secret wish #FridayFictioneers

I shall rise #FFFAW #FlashFiction

Niharika thy name is grace and beauty. The newspapers were full of praise for India’s top   classical dancer. Niki as she was called, was passionate about her art. It was combination of luck and determination which led to her meteoric rise. The fall was sudden and plunged her into the depths of darkness. A… Continue reading I shall rise #FFFAW #FlashFiction

The Ballerino #FridayFotoFiction

He hesitated, twitched his toes, sweat trickled down from his forehead, his heart thumped loudly. Today was a milestone in itself. The day he broke the stereotypes. Those stereotypes of a patriarchal society which curtailed the freedom of not just women but men as well. The day he watched the ballet, he knew what he… Continue reading The Ballerino #FridayFotoFiction