Growing years, balanced diet and walking the trapeze #63PercentMoreProtein

The initial few months after my daughter’s birth felt hard – that’s when people told me it would get better with time. And I waited…does it ever get better or easier for a parent? Of course, different stages of a child’s growth, along with a constant struggle to feed them a balanced diet bring different joys and challenges but “easy peasy” it never is. 

Ask the parent of an infant, a toddler, a primary schoolgoer, a teenager, a working kid and they will all say the same thing. It’s never easy. The things you worry about change with time but a day where you can roll up your sleeves and declare “I am done with my parenting duties” is a myth.

In my case, a lot of focus was on giving a balanced diet and fulfilling nutritional needs when my daughter was little. The next few years were about balancing a lot of things – academics, various extracurricular activities and pursuing all that my daughter truly enjoys.

Role of a balanced diet in a child’s growth and development

A balanced lifestyle coupled with a balanced diet becomes vital in managing these growing years of “walking a trapeze” as I call it. When it comes to breakfast or evening snacks, a big challenge is the lack of time to prepare a full-fledged nutritious meal as I am usually juggling several things. 

My daughter is also in a frenzy to go to school early (the joy of being among the first few and doing errands for the teacher- how nostalgic!). In the evenings it’s about her ballet class or playtime and hence I need something that can be made ready fast but also does not compromise on the nutritional aspects. On a friend’s recommendation, we started with Complan which contains nutrients for the growing years of children.

Role of Protein

A higher intake of protein at 1 year of age is associated with greater height, weight, and BMI in childhood upto 9 years of age. These are the years when they are engaged in a greater amount of physical activity, be that on the playground or in any extracurricular activities. This increases the need for protein through a balanced diet

Food for the Brain

These formative years are when the brain is growing the most as they are exposed to multiple new things and need to soak in a lot. My daughter is a voracious reader and is ever inquisitive to learn about new things. One of the top 10 foods that contain brain nutrients are foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, and antioxidants, including berries, broccoli, and pumpkin seeds. They help support healthy brain function.

Essential nutrients

The ideal eating pattern for a child’s optimum growth and development takes into account the child’s age, activity levels and other characteristics. Foods packed with nutrients such as fruits, leafy vegetables, and dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt, can be incorporated into daily diet.

A balanced diet is important for both physical and mental growth. I make sure that my daughter gets all the macro and micronutrients. The main meals of the day are carefully prepared so that they are not only tasty but also nutritious. However, when it comes to snacks, milk mixed with Complan has always been my preferred option. 

Complan has 34 essential nutrients including 100% milk protein and contains 63% more protein than other nutrition drinks. It is scientifically designed for growing children, supports 2x faster growth and supports memory and concentration. Plus, there is the ease of making the drink and having it in a few gulps- leading to a healthy and happy child and a contended mom (until the next meal comes calling!) 

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complan.

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